11/09 - Hybrid Consensus Updates

:point_up:For ALL solo stakers: Make sure your node is online and voting! :point_up:

Execute this script on your staking node.

Here’s how:

  1. Download the script from here .
  2. Either:
  3. Upload the script to the full node you use for staking, or;
  4. Copy and paste its contents into a new file on the full node named voter_check.py
  5. Run the following commands to execute the script with the correct dependencies (these commands assume that voter_check.py and your paicoin directory are both located in your user home directory (~), and that your user home directory is your present working directory, pwd):

sudo apt install python3
cd paicoin
sudo make install
cd ‥
python3 voter_check.py

PAI Hybrid Consensus

Here’s a snapshot :camera: of development work the team has been focused on:

  • [PAI Coin Core] Worked on mempool discarding of transactions based on their acceptance height;
  • [PAI Coin Core] Enabled expiry field serialization in transactions;
  • [PAI Coin Core] Implemented unit tests for the mempool and transaction persistence and cleanup;
  • [PAI Coin Core] Ongoing work update getblocktemplate to check for votes on all tips at current height, including