08/31 - PAI Hybrid Consensus Updates

08/31 - PAI Hybrid Consensus Updates

The Project PAI Core Developers have released the September roadmap for Hybrid Consensus launch. The hard fork is tentatively scheduled for September 30 (Note that it is only possible to schedule the fork to occur when the PAI Blockchain reaches a specific height/length, not at a specific date and time.)

Here’s a more detailed snapshot :camera: of development progress being made:

  • Testnet development: Prepared virtual machines and resolved Ubuntu 16.04 compilation problems.
  • Ongoing Mining Core updates for Hybrid compatibility
  • Updating PAIchain.info Block Explorer indexing to support and display new transaction types and block header changes
  • Implemented maturity handling for vote and revocation transaction outputs
  • Updated code to allow spending of vote and revocation transaction outputs
  • Resolved issues with bundling stake transactions in blocks