01/04 - Hybrid Consensus Updates

Announcements :speaker:

:warning: PAI Coin 2.2.0 is here! UPDATE TODAY.:warning:

:rotating_light: If you are solo staking, this update is highly recommended.:rotating_light:

To update, execute the following commands in the paicoin directory of your full node.

paicoin-cli stop # stop the node from currently running
git pull # pull the latest changes from the paicoin repo
git checkout 2.2.0 # switch to the latest release
make clean # uninstall your previous build
make # compile the new release
sudo make install # install at the system level
paicoind # restart your node

PAI Developer Updates :computer:

Here’s a snapshot :camera: of development work the team has been focused on:

  • [Catena NFT Art Marketplace]
    • A staging working demo will be available to share with select testers later in the week.
    • Patching and updating the user profile area so people can view and interact with other user profiles.
    • Development with hosting instances and resetting security credentials to resolve potential credential leak issues is still ongoing.