PAI News 📰 - November 2, 2020

PAI News :newspaper: - November 2, 2020

31st Edition

Announcements :speaker:

Mining and staking are now PUBLIC.

:earth_americas: Anyone can now mine and stake—including you! :earth_asia:

There are three ways you can mine and stake:

PAI Coin Pool :busts_in_silhouette:

When you mine or stake on PAI Coin Pool, each reward that the pool earns is split proportionally among all users who were actively mining or staking when the reward was won. Read more about mining and staking on PAI Coin Pool here. PAI Coin Pool is the easiest way to get involved in mining and staking; for mining especially, it’s your best option if you’ll just be mining on a small device like a laptop.

Solo Mining :pick:

In PAI Coin Pool mining, you pool your computing resources with everyone else on the pool. When you solo mine, you are mining all by yourself, which means that when you mine a block, you get to keep the mining block reward all for yourself. On the other hand, it might be difficult for you to mine a block depending on how high the network hash rate is (you can see its value under “Network” on relative to how much computing resources you have access to for mining.

Solo Staking :tickets:

When you solo stake, you set up your full node (paicoind) to automatically purchase Stake Vouchers. Every time a new block is mined, five Stake Vouchers are chosen at random. If one or more of your SVs are chosen, you can earn up to 900 PAI Coin when they vote on the block’s validity (voting is handled automatically by paicoind). Check out this guide for more info.

More info

Check out these articles about the recent transition to Hybrid Consensus:

Promotions :red_gift_envelope:

  • Set up a full node and earn a PAI Coin Pool bonus of 666 PAI! Set up a full node according to these instructions, then email from the email address associated with your PCP account. In the email, include the IP address or URL of your full node. We will reply with further instructions on how to claim your reward.

How to connect PAI Up Mobile to a specific node :face_with_monocle:

Follow these instructions if you are unable to sync PAI Up or if your PAI Wallet still displays incorrect data after a sync.

Traditional apps, like WeChat, connect to a central server to retrieve and upload new data like incoming and outgoing messages, or new Moments from other users. PAI Up doesn’t work like that. Since the PAI Blockchain is a decentralized peer-to-peer network, there is no central server. But every PAI Coin Full Node acts like a central server, and when you launch PAI Up, the app has to choose—basically, at random—which Full Node to connect to.

If your connection to the node is poor (for example, because it’s physically far away), or there happens to be something wrong with that node (for example, because its owner is not properly maintaining it), PAI Up might not work well. In this case, you should manually reconnect to a different node. Here’s how.

From the main screen of PAI Up → Menu → Preferences → PAI Coin Settings → PAI Coin Nodes.

Now, take note of the “Current Primary Node,” then choose “Switch to Manual Mode.” From there, enter one of the following nodes (one that doesn’t match the Current Primary Node from the previous screen) in the top field and choose “OK.” You can enter either the URL or the IP address directly. Then, make sure the “Node Connection Status” shows “Connected.” If it doesn’t, or if it oscillates between “Connected” and “Connecting,” choose a different node from the list below and repeat the process.

Official PAI Coin Seed Nodes

URL IP Address Location Oregon, USA :us: Ohio, USA :us: Seoul, South Korea :kr: Singapore :singapore: Shanghai, China :cn: London, UK :uk: Mainland China :cn: New York, USA :us: Ohio, USA :us: Beijing, China :cn: Virginia, USA :us:

:point_right: If these tips still don’t work, try uninstalling and reinstalling PAI Up.

PAI Hybrid Consensus

Here’s a snapshot :camera: of development work the team has been focused on:

  • [PAI Coin Core] Implemented mempool residence based purging of zero-expiry tickets;
  • [PAI Coin Core] Updated expiry handling in some RPC calls;
  • [PAI Coin Core] Worked on mempool entry serialization extensions for required fields;
  • [PAI Coin Core] Investigated mempool deserialization inconsistencies;
  • [PAI Coin Core] Investigated handling of large-size mempool;
  • [PAI Coin Core] Updating getblocktemplate to check for votes on all tips at current height

Questions? Comments? Feedback?

Sound off on PAI Forum! :microphone:

Thank you for your support! :pray: