PAI News 📰 - March 21, 2022: PCP Stats Update

PAI News :newspaper: - March 21, 2022: PCP Stats Update

103th Edition

Announcements :speaker:

As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on communities and individuals worldwide, but despite its severity, the innate resilience of humankind—individually and collectively—has allowed us to continue to weather this storm.

To all of those currently afflicted by COVID-19: the Project PAI team wishes you a speedy recovery. We are with you.

We also thank the PAI Community to continue to support Project PAI during these challenging times as well.


:tada: PAI COIN CORE v3.0.0 - AVAILABLE NOW! :tada:

The v3.0.0 hard fork occurred on September 28, 2021 at approximately 11 PM Beijing Time when Block 205953 was mined.

While the update was technically successful, it did not achieve its intended goal. Please read the details here.

If you are running a full node and have not yet updated to v3.0.0, please do so ASAP.

Execute the following commands on your full node to update from source. There is currently no pre-compiled binary available.

git fetch --tags
git checkout 3.0.0
make clean
sudo make install
paicoin-cli stop

PAI Coin Pool Staking Rewards Summary :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Currently pending stakes :egg:

  • Total staked amount: 93.1 million PAI
  • Total pending rewards to date: 3.8 million PAI
  • Average stake duration: 51.3 weeks

Matured stakes :hatching_chick:

  • Total staked amount: 102.3 million PAI
  • Total rewards: 21.1 million PAI
  • Average stake duration: 28[date=2022-03-21 timezone=“America/Los_Angeles”] weeks

PAI Developer Updates and other info will be coming weekly on Wednesdays! See you then!

Questions? Comments? Feedback?

Sound off on PAI Forum! :microphone:

Thank you for your support! :pray: