PAI News 📰 - June 29, 2020

PAI News :newspaper: - June 29, 2020

PAI Weekly Updates :computer:

PAI Coin Pool

:rotating_light:New PAI Miner App - AVAILABLE NOW :rotating_light:

Look for Version, available now in the Downloads section of PAI Coin Pool. Or, get it right here:




This week, the team begins implementing support for PAI Coin Pool Gold. Additionally, the team is working on a solution to ensure that users from all locations are able to successfully receive SMS messages when signing up a new account.

PAI Hybrid Consensus

Here’s a snapshot :camera: of some of the commits / PRs and progress we made last week:

  • Implemented minimum fee limit for stake creation, to allow proper revocation, if needed;
  • Implemented a fee distribution policy, to allow revocation of stakes according to the contributor’s preferences when these are in conflict with the policy;
  • Implemented unit tests for the new features;
  • The above updates are available in the following Pull Request:
  • Investigated and fixed an issue found in the new unit tests written for the auto-revoker: We uncovered an immutability issue in one of the structures responsible for managing stake transactions;
  • In PAI Miner, we implemented a hash algorithm switch when hybrid consensus activation is detected;
  • We began work on adding a Block Explorer container in a Kubernetes deployment of the Hybrid Consensus testnet.

On July 18, 2020, 10:00AM Beijing Time (July 17, 2020, 7:00PM PDT), PAI core contributors will be hosting an AMA to present and answer any questions regarding the PAI Hybrid Consensus. Register here to join the AMA:

PAI Forum & PAI Pass

Questions? Comments? Feedback?

Sound off on PAI Forum! :microphone:

Thank you for your support! :pray: