PAI News 📰 - July 7, 2020

PAI News :newspaper: - July 7, 2020

14th Edition

This past weekend, the USA celebrated its 244th Independence Day. Americans often celebrate the so-called 4th-of-July holiday with fireworks, parades, and of course—barbecue. In honor of the fourth, we’ve grilled up some PAI updates for you. Enjoy!

Announcements :computer:

PAI Weekly Updates :computer:

PAI Coin Pool

Last week, we released Version of PAI Miner, which features a “Remember Me” option and autoreconnect functionality, so that your mining session will continue even if your internet connection is interrupted. Download it today!

This week, we are incorporating yet another new feature into PAI Miner which will allow you to easily see the connectivity and mining status of the app when it’s open on your device. Check it out in the previews below.

PAI Hybrid Consensus

Here’s a snapshot :camera: of some of the commits / PRs and progress we made last week:

  • Ongoing testing of the Kubernetes testnet deployment.
  • In line with Phase 3 of the PAI Hybrid Consensus Timeline, we began designing and specifying necessary updates to for Hybrid compatibility. In the preview screenshots below, the view of a block on now includes Votes from Stakers and newly submitted Stakes, in the form of Stake Vouchers. For more information on the coming updates, make sure to join the Hybrid Consensus AMA on July 18 at 10 AM Beijing Time.

Proof of Useful Work

As a follow up to the successful PoUW Livestream last month, we encourage you to check out the Project PAI GitHub page, which includes a fully functional PoUW demo that you can run yourself by simply following the detailed tutorial in the README.

PAI Forum & PAI Pass

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Thank you for your support! :pray: