Decision to build on Bitcoin Protocal

I recently found out that PAI was created by building onto Bitcoins protocol. It’d be interesting to find out what lead to PAI’s creators to choose this, rather than building a brand new one. Was it strictly because of Bitcoin’s security features or were there other factors, as well?

[QUOTE username=alaism userid=5880630 postid=1304591470]I recently found out that PAI was created by building onto Bitcoins protocol. It’d be interesting to find out what lead to PAI’s creators to choose this, rather than building a brand new one. Was it strictly because of Bitcoin’s security features or were there other factors, as well?[/QUOTE]
Hello, alaism! That’s a great question. Project PAI chose to build on the Bitcoin protocol rather than making a new one because building a new protocol derived from Bitcoin allows customization of the protocol and blockchain for PAI-specific applications. To fulfill the goal of mass-market adoption, it is important for the protocol and blockchain to be optimized for mobile capability, which building on the Bitcoin protocol allows. Furthermore, the UTXO transaction model of the Bitcoin protocol is advantageous for business adoption.

Thanks again for asking such an awesome question! Please feel free to share ideas, perspectives, analyses, or any general knowledge ?
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That’s very smart decision on your part to build onto Bitcoin’s protocol. What resources did you use in order to do this? Did you guys use github in order to receive their code and share their protocol or partnered with them directly?