06/29 - PAI Hybrid Consensus Updates

06/29 - PAI Hybrid Consensus Updates

PAI Hybrid Consensus

Here’s a snapshot :camera: of some of the commits / PRs and progress we made last week:

  • Implemented minimum fee limit for stake creation, to allow proper revocation, if needed;
  • Implemented a fee distribution policy, to allow revocation of stakes according to the contributor’s preferences when these are in conflict with the policy;
  • Implemented unit tests for the new features;
  • The above updates are available in the following Pull Request: https://github.com/projectpai/paicoin/pull/309
  • Investigated and fixed an issue found in the new unit tests written for the auto-revoker: We uncovered an immutability issue in one of the structures responsible for managing stake transactions;
  • In PAI Miner, we implemented a hash algorithm switch when hybrid consensus activation is detected;
  • We began work on adding a Block Explorer container in a Kubernetes deployment of the Hybrid Consensus testnet.

On July 18, 2020, 10:00AM Beijing Time (July 17, 2020, 7:00PM PDT), PAI core contributors will be hosting an AMA to present and answer any questions regarding the PAI Hybrid Consensus. We are also preparing for collaborations with some academic institutions on some hot topics for blockchain research and industry on the PAI blockchain.

Register here to join the AMA: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAqc-GqqD4iHteA9jMbG9lAx3GGNeMBK1R0